[Squaredancing] Fwd: CBS Wednesday, 2/1/06 - Still Standing " Still Flunk...

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at rbnsn.com
Fri Feb 3 07:09:56 EST 2006

At 04:40 AM 2/3/2006, Heinz D. Trost wrote:

>please remember: Depending on the Callerlab recommendation of the 
>three different dresscodes and the thoughts about saving square 
>dance hobby into the future: If some dancers like to dance in 
>traditional attire it's still possible, but we shall go away from 
>that we force people to wear clothes of the 1950's.

Let's not get into a dress code free-for-all here again...

The Callerlab recommendation is for Callers only, not for dancers. 
USDA has a recommendation for dancers.  Yes, they are similar and 
they are recommendations, not fixed in stone.

No one is forcing anyone to buy/wear clothes of the 1950's.

BTW, I've recently been in contact with a women in my age group 
(early 50's) who doesn't square dance (yet). Her first reaction after 
I showed her the pictures I've taken of Square Dancing was "Do I have 
to know to square dance before I can wear those frilly outfits? I 
love frilly clothes!"

Ken Robinson
Hillsborough, NJ 

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